Xmind pro custom style
Xmind pro custom style

Bug fixing: when exporting a diagram as: PDF, Image, Power Point, Slides as Images, Slides as PDF, the local images are not visible.Bug fixing: issue related to the saving of diagram.Updated the application framework to improve performance.Changelog: fix for map export to Microsoft Word when topics have notes with images or videos.Bugfixing: issue related to notes text formatting in macOS - text unable to be set to bold.Ensure node position remains stable when changes from syncing appear on the mind map.Bug fixing: issue related to playing an audio from a.

xmind pro custom style

Bug fixing: issue related to the opening of the Attachments tab of the Context menu on Outlines and Gantt charts for topics where a video item is already attached.Added new concept map connection types: Zigzag, Single Angle.Added new relationship types: Zigzag, Single Angle.Bug fix: issue related to controlling relationship and concept map connection shapes in the theme editor.Bug fix: issue related to editing the label for relationships and concept diagram connections in the theme editor.Bug fix: issue related to auto-repositioning of Zigzag connection.Added new connection ending: Half Arrow Line.Bugfix: issue related to opening a Freemind file with topics that contain special characters such as.Added feature to Gantt diagrams - possibility to change the completion level of a task by modifying the progress bar.Added feature to Gantt diagrams - customize task color.

xmind pro custom style

Added feature to Gantt diagrams - show/hide columns.Improvements to interaction with the menus - easier access to sub-menus.Bug fix: issue related to creating Tree Organigram and Organigram.

xmind pro custom style

  • Added features to Gantt diagrams: search and filtering.
  • Check out the latest upgrades of Mindomo Desktop which have taken place, including new features, bug fixes and functionality improvements.

    Xmind pro custom style