Patient’s physical and laboratory investigations were normal, while all abdominal tomography revealed hyper-density areas. In this report, we present a 50-year-old female patient who presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain and radiologically diagnosed with pica syndrome. The diagnosis of pica syndrome requires active involvement of pediatrics, psychiatrists, radiologists and patients/family members. The diagnosis of pica syndrome is based on severe anemia which is not compatible with the developmental level, intestinal obstructions, or several conditions depending on content of the substance intaken such as lead poisoning etc. Pica syndrome is a mental disorder defined as eating non-food and not-nutritive substances at least for 1 month.

Japanese Journal of Clinical Urology 2000 54:334-335. Eating Cigarette Ashes Pica in a Patient with Chronic Renal Failure. 9.Ěoyagi T, Hayakawa H, Matsumoto M, Ishikawa H.Worsening of pica as a symptom of depressive illness in a person with severe mental handicap. Jawed SH, Krishnan VH, Prasher VP, Corbett JA.

An iron deficiency anemia and a different pica substance: a case report. Adult-Onset Pica Leading to Acute Intestinal Obstruction. Stroman D, Young C, Rubano AR, Pinkhasov A. Pagophagia – A Common but Rarely Reported Form of Pica. Functional Analysis and Treatment of Pica on a Preschool Playground. Ledford JR, Barton EE, Rigor MN, Stankiewicz KC, Chazin KT, Harbin ER et al. Combined symptomatology of psychosis, pica syndrome, and hippocampal sclerosis: a case report. Rohde J, Claussen MC, Kuechenhoff B, Seifritz E, Schuepbach D.