I also tried Paperturn, which was mentioned by someone upthread. And yet.and yet, I came here because I knew you lot would have some ideas. I have to go make a website and promotional bits and mess up the entire internet (probably) with my vast technological inferiority and ignorance. I've got this self-publishing thing down pretty good after a few years of doing it, but if all I had to do was write a book.HA! It's NOT all I have to do. I'm in the process of setting that aspect up right now. So, basically, Bob, I may not know what I'm doing, technically, but I know what I want as an author, and I WANT an easy to make, inexpensive flip book program to put excerpts of my books on my website! People DO read excerpts, and I think Amazon agrees.Īctually, every author I know wants one because we are ALL starting to sell books from our own websites-we do offer readers the ability to buy from the big guys, also, but we prefer when readers buy direct. That seems like more work than I'm up for, though. I don't have a WordPress website, but I have a couple Wordpress blogs that I could possibly pull over to the website.
I got the Excerpt flip book made on their free plan, but will have to check with them on how to embed it, if Squarespace even allows it.

They have a $10 a month option that could work. My website is on Squarespace, and although I've tried a few of the flip book programs mentioned here, I can't figure out how to embed the flip book. Remember: I'm talking self-publishing and fiction. Yes, one can offer the same thing for the print versions, too, but POD prices are high and even readers who don't prefer eBooks will buy the eBook because of print prices. A short story gives readers about 8 pages. A recent 460-page historical novel of mine has a Look Inside on Amazon that's about 46 pages. Well, Bob, you're far more of an expert than I could ever hope or want to be, but it doesn't "feel" like a gimmick when I have the ability to offer a potential customers a "look inside" one of my eBooks to see if they might want to buy it. If this already exists, clue me in! If any developer wants to co-work with a self-published author to create something like this, connect! Most of us don't format with InDesign (I use Vellum, and I'm on an iMac), and most of us are not tech-oriented, so it needs to be easy, simple to set up, inexpensive with basic features and fast page flip, and easy for the reader of the excerpt to use.

So-it's the EXCERPT feature that authors need and want. It wouldn't have to be more than 10-20 page flip's worth, often even less, like for short stories. It would help if I had an easy to use flip book for Chapter or Section excerpts.

I can link to the Zon's free Look Inside feature and then you can buy my book from them-BUT, I might make a living wage if you buy the book direct from me. A book author needs a "Look Inside" feature that does NOT take the reader off the website, unless it is to purchase the book direct from the author. For the exact same amount of marketing and promotion work, authors can have you discover their book on THEIR OWN SITE, and make make more money if you buy it from them with an easy and safe purchasing platform (PayPal, credit and debit cards, shopping cart, etc). Many variables are going into this decision, not the least of which is the Zon's capricious attitude towards authors, especially with regard to discoverability. When I say "more and more" I'm talking hundreds of thousands of authors.

Fact #2: More and more so-called Indie, and self-published writers, including major pub house names, are beginning to sell their own books from their own site (as well as linking to Amazon and other on-line retailers). Fact #1: Amazon's Look Inside the Book feature is its MOST popular feature for book buyers (and authors/publishers). It seems to me that a great opportunity exists for someone or some company to present a SIMPLE flip book program for FICTION AUTHORS that can be embedded in a website, and here's why I say that.